A K Syntax Highlighter for the Kakoune Text Editor
Basic syntax highlighting for K (the K Framework) in the Kakoune text editor.
Get it here.
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Basic syntax highlighting for K (the K Framework) in the Kakoune text editor.
Get it here.
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Smart contracts are the backbone of decentralized applications in Algorand. Ensuring their security against attacks and the safety of funds they maintain is critical to the success of these applications. In this talk, we give an overview of our world-class security auditing services at Runtime Verification, and reflect on our experiences auditing TEAL smart contracts in Algorand. We highlight some common programming pitfalls and provide some recommendations for best practices when developing TEAL smart contracts.
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Tealer is a static analysis tool developed by Trail of Bits for analyzing the structure of smart contracts written in TEAL. I have added to Tealer support for the new features introduced in TEAL 5, including inner transactions.
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Runtime Verification announced Tinyman’s audit completioni, which was an effort I’ve had the pleasure of leading. Tinyman is a new project under development that focuses on bringing a decentralized trading protocol to the Algorand ecosystem and its community.
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Runtime Verification has been awarded a grant by Algorand Foundation to develop a formal semantic framework for Algorand’s smart contracts using the K framework.